CoachRolland Scatt-trening


Under Swedish Cup vil jeg gjennomföre scatt-treninger med de som önsker det. Jeg har kontor i närheten av Gymmet på Sävsjö Skyttesenter.

Det er en ca times trening og deretter så blir det evaluering av den. Under evalueringen så får du vite hva du bör trene på fremover for å kunne bli bedre som skytter.

Pris normalt 1050,- SEK
Swedish Cup pris 900,- SEK


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Leif Steinar Rolland

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North Carolina awarded 2029 FISU Summer World University Games

World University Games are popular among many shooters around the world. According the Inside the games North Caroline has been awarded the summer games for 2029. You can read more about the games here North Carolina awarded 2029 FISU Summer World University Games (

ISSF Rule book draft 2023

Issf published the 1st of January a draft of the new rules that will come. Most important ones for rifle will be as following

1 Change of distance from front sight to center of barrel. The old rule was 60mm and it has increased with 20mm to 80mm Rule c
2 Change of distance from the fore-end to the center of the barrel. The old rule was 120mm but now it will be 140mm. Rule d
3 If you have a soft cap it may touch the rear sight rule
4 Take also a note on how the sling for 50m shall be used. There has been some challenges during 2022 on this Rule

You will find more if you follow the link.
Microsoft Word – Draft PGG edit 31.12.22 sect. 7 Rifle-Rules 2022 PG 20.10.22.doc (

Western nations considering Paris 2024 boycott if Russia is allowed to compete

Read more about it in “inside the games

Western nations considering Paris 2024 boycott if Russia is allowed to compete (

Training and motivation during Covid-19

For many people in these days it is hard to train. Many ranges are closed around the globe. It is not only shootingsport that has this problem because of the pandemendic but many other sports too. For many it is difficult to find solution or motivation for practise, and as always those who will manage to do so during this horrible time will be strongest in the end. One of the reasons that makes it difficult is of course, ranges are closed. But also goalsetting since we do not know when it is over. Competitions are postponed or cancelled. This is hardest on the youngest i am guessing that has less of patience then older people. However, this may also be a hard time for older atlethes that do not have so many years left of their career. So what to do? I do not have the answers because this will be very individual what to do. But i can come up with suggestion and hopefully it can motivate.

There are clubs that has a possibility to lent out the targets or scatt so the atlethe can have it home it is very good for the training. There might be restrictions of having rifles at home or the house is not big enough. But it can also be good thing using a scatt too and there you do not need 10meters. By using scatt you can have goals using the measurements that is in Scatt. This might also be something that an atlethe will find good since the focus has a tendency to go to technical parts of the shooting instead of scores on the target. This can be fun and relaxing.
If a club have many scatts it is possible to be social (in todays world) and have the coach training the atlethes. Simple by using example Zoom. Here everyone can see eachother and it is possible to share the scatt system with everyone. That means the coach can sit at home watching the atlethe practise and comment and give tasks to next time. With this it is only the imagination that stops you.
The last but maybe the most important thing. What about finding a goal about yourself. Get to know yourself better in this periode? How do you react on the pandemendic time. What does it do to you and how can you learn from this that you can use it for the shooting later? Or for other things for that matter.

I hope that the pandemendic soon will be over. We will probably have to learn to live with covid-19 as it is will never go away. But with the vaccine soon coming lift will almost be the same as it was. Saying almost because it has changed the world and some of the things that has changed might be a good thing. How come? People have seen oppertunities and it is time clubs and atlethes do the same. Stay safe

The new future range?

In all over the world the covid-19 effect our daily life. It effect how we meet, it effect how we do greetings, it effect how we train and so on. And even if the vaccine will come it will still effect us a long long time. In shops, or where you must pay we can see there is a plexiglas between the cashier and the customer. This might become a reality for different sports too. Here is a picture of a shooting range in Norway (Photo: Magne Ivar Mellem) and how they have solved their way of being able to have competitions. This might be a future way too?


The other day an atlethe and i tried to build up the pulse for learning how to shoot during pulse. The atlethe had gymclothes with her and we decided to do it like this. Shoot sightingshots, change to gymclothes, run around 500meter, come back and change to shootingclothes. Since the sightingshots was done it was straight on the match. And the match was a 20shots-match. She used a little time to get into the shootingclothes so the puls went down a little bit before starting but this we also wanted. In the beginning it was hard to shoot. It was easy to see for me as a coach that the rifle moved much more then usual. And it was not easy to shoot either. However, the result on the target was decent, not good but just a little bit under the avarage on a 10shot serie. The second serie was better and more normal standard. After the 20shots match was done she did another run for 500m. This procedyre we did 3 times. Every time the first serie was a little lower then the 2 serie and this was expected. The interesting thing was that the 1 serie became better and better. The atlethe started to work more with the breathing to get the puls down. And that is a good key to do. We learned a lot of this training both of us and are thinking some things that can make it even better. And as the atlethe said “this was fun, something happend during the training and i really got challenged”. And that is what it is about, challenge the atlethe.


In the past weekend there was a trainingcamp for the Swedish team. In Sweden the national team for junior and senior practice together and sometimes even the Parateam is there too.
When i say practice together the teams have different scedules but can go and talk to eachother and sometimes there is a match against eachother. The juniors love to beat the seniors. In this camp we had a seperate program and most of the training was air-rifle since the we are going into a air-rifle season. In the first day we worked with the hip on the session part where i organized the training. We worked about the stability putting the hip forward and different speed in the in and outlift to the stand. And what happend with the hip in different speed. This was before lunch. After lunch they could choose between their own plans and tasks during training, a lecture about trainingplans or both. The lecture was around 45min. After this it was time for physical training too.
The next morning it was a new organized training by me where we worked about the triggerrelease. Only the release it selves. Not how long the aimingperiode is, or the timing between the target and trigger-release.
What they should be aware of is that with wrong placement of buttplate if that effected the triggerfinger’s placement on the trigger. And again after lunch it was their own program and including the physical training. During the sunday we stoped training at 12 since some has 4-5 hours drive back home. The training sunday was a 60shots match and a final after that. Under you can see the result of the winner in the final.

The weekend was hard

The 4 competitions that was shot in the last weekend was hard. The atlethes had the day off on monday (except for physical training). As a coach i looked forward to meet the atlethes again on tuesday but during their short meal ( a fruit and yogurt or something) i notice they were tired. I could see that my sessionplan would be to hard to follow when it came to consentration. My session would probably be a bad session for the atlethes and they would probably not learn so much. So i decided to change the training. This is important as a coach to be able to do. To “read” the atlethes and their mood and especially after a hard competition weekend or longer training periode. So i changed the plan for the session. Instead of stability session they could do whatever they wanted. But they should have a task and a goal. To make sure they learned something they should be able to answer what, why and how about their task. I noticed that during the session the atlethes had more breaks then normal, but that was ok. This was also a confirmation of that it was a correct decision to give them the freedom of the session. They did work very well when they were training, but needed more breaks then normal. And sometimes this is and should be ok.

2020-2021 season start

In the past weekend we finally could start the air-rifle season after not been able to compete since March. And the first competition of total 4 this weekend was the first selection for the European Championship. This is of course a rough start. The first competition of the season is usually a little bit tenst since everyone wants to start good. And this time a long time since last time competing. It was easy to feel the tension in the room as the atlethes started to get ready. One hour before start everyone was having fun, talk to eachother and were laughing. 30min before start the air-plugs and low music was possible to hear and noone were talking to eachother. Many did dryfire and warming up during the time.
The most important thing with season start is to get started. It is understandable that tension, stress and pressure can make it to difficult to make a good score. My suggestion is to follow your plan you have made for the match unless something very special happens. How you shoot it (tactical) and what tasks you have for the match (technical). Do the evaluation afterwards and learn from the match. In this way you have the chance to make it better next time. Even if you shot well or something else.
Good luck with the season!

Competitionstart of the season