Smooth triggering is important to do. It might be more important to do in 50m compare to 10m since the consequence of bad triggering can become bigger. Again in this session i worked with the smooth triggering with the youth atlethe. This time in standing position. Again with the same thought to have a decent hold within the 9 (hopefully) and do a smooth triggering. During the session we noticed a couple of things that made it a bit challenging. First the atlethe is not used to stay in standing position for a long time. 2 the atlethe had tighting up the shoes a lot. This is not good since it become harder for the bloodcirculation to your feet and your feet will start hurting. When that happens the balance and focus becomes bad and it is hard to keep the rifle steady. After we figured out these few things we tried to have the training after this with the smooth triggering. What we saw was that this particular atlethe had no problem to keep the shot within the 9 (normally avarage just under 9). Even the grouping became much better and many of the shots would have been a 10 if we had gone for 10s and not just the grouping. And what thrilled me was the happy eyes of the atlethe (that tried not to show that) and hidden smile knowing that the thought of the atlethe was “wooooow, i did that grouping”. This doesnt mean that there did not come a bad shot from time to time, but those shots will go away with practice and time. Look at the grouping doing the right thing.