
Breathing is important in shooting. With the right breathing you can control the tension and nervousness. With the wrong breathing you can make your body more tensed and you shoot worse and get more frustrated. In training today we focused on the breathing. And the focus on the breathing was that the atlethes should make sure they took good breaths before starting with the shot. And have enough air left so they could make a good follow through. First the atlethes sat down and did some different breaths. Inhale and exhale only with nose, inhale and exhale only with mouth and inhale nose and exhale mouth. With this they should find out with which breathing they felt most relaxation.

In next part they were standing in position and doing inlifts while breathing. But we made it a bit difficult for them to breath as they had a piece of pastpipe in mouth that they should breath through (see picture further down). They did not put the head on the cheekpiece by the way.

At the end they did some good breaths while the rifle were on the stand and they were loading and most had one breath more before doing the lifting. In a 15shots match at the end we could see very good groupings and most atlethes where satisfied.

What we wanted out of this was that they made better breathing and had a good follow through. We did noticed that the breathing was difficult so it need to be practiced on. We also noticed that the follow through became better and for some much better.

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