In todays training there were 4 different atlethes. Each individual had their own task.
Atlethe number 1 task: Masstraining and stability hip.
Atlethe number 2 task: Stabilitytraining left elbow on the hip
Atlethe number 3 task: Holding in the middle of target
Atlethe number 4 task: Hipstability
Atlethe number 1: Challenges with hip that moved a lot during the session. Change: Make sure the atlethe can load the rifle with left hand and putting the pellets in the rifle with left hand. Otherwise an atlethe often move their hip during the shooting. This help for their hipstability.
Atlethe number 2: There was a challenge on how to place the elbow on
the hip. After looking at a picture the atlethe decided to change the elbows
placement. The atlethe thought the elbow was to close to the stomach and
therefor did not had the right support. Had challenges by finding a better
placement and make sure the inlift was correct. After checking the old
placement for the elbow by pressing on the mechanisme/rifle barrel to see how
much pressure there were on the hop, we found a conclusion. No need to change
placement. There were very good support from the hip on the elbow and the rifle
got straight up again after the pressing.
Atlethe number 3: This atlethe had found out that the holdingstability
was not good. There were a tendency to pull the trigger while the rifle were
moving down to the middle. After a longer talk we found out the atlethe had
trouble by holding the breath. And was stressed by not having enough air while
aiming. The solution was to make sure there were enough air. The atlethe
started to take 3-4 good breathing before doing the liftin to the target. And
the atlethe made sure the breathing were good also during the preparationtime
in position. After this there were no problem to keep the rifle steady in the
Atlethe number 4: Earlier in the week this atlethe had started to learn
about the important part keeping the hip steady. So therefor the hip was the
task. During the session i notice that in the inlift the atlethe did not lifted
the rifle up from the stand, but shuffeled the rifle from the stand to the
position in front of target. I noticed this made it difficult to have the hip
steady, and also the inlift was different from time to time. So i told the
atlethe to make sure the rifle was lifted up a bit and then got placed. The hip
became more steady and the atlethe had it easier to enter the target
from 12 oclock.